Evolutionary biology
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Scherer
and coworkers
First, based on a variety of microbiological and molecular biological experimental strategies as well as bioinformatical analyses we study the presence, origin and evolution of overlapping genes in bacteria (see research groups functional characterization and bioinformatics and evolution).
Secondly, I am also interested in the broader theoretical analysis of evolutionary processes. What kinds of microevolutionary changes can be observed? How far-reaching are they? How fast do they occur? Which changes in biological information result from such processes? Have microevolutionary mechanisms been observed which are suitable to explain macroevolutionary transitions or does macroevolution involve additional factors?
Thirdly, I find it quite useful to evaluate the epistemological background of empirical theories (e.g., mechanisms of microevolutionary changes) and empirical-historical theories such as macroevolutionary transitions.
Selected Publications
Dauner M, Eichinger A, Lücking G, Scherer S, Skerra A (2018) Reprogramming human siderocalin to neutralize petrobactin, the essential iron scavenger of antrax Bacillus. Angewandte Chemie 57:14619-14623. Doi 10.1002/angie.201807442
cker SM, Vanderhaegen S, Abellan-Schneyder I, Wecko R, Simon S, Scherer S , Neuhaus K (2018) A novel short L-arginine responsive protein-coding gene (laoB) antiparallel overlapping to a CadC-like transcriptional regulator in Escherichia coli O157:H7 Sakai originated by overprinting. BMC Evolutionary Biology, BMC Evolutionary Biology 18:21. doi: 10.1186/s12862-018-1134-0
Scherer S (2017) Denkvoraussetzungen und weltanschauliche Überzeugungen in der Biologie. In: Lüke U, Souvignier G (Hrsg) Wie objektiv ist Wissenschaft? WBG Darmstadt, S. 45-80.
Böhm M-E, Huptas C, Krey V, Scherer S (2015) Massive horizontal gene transfer, strictly vertical inheritance and ancient duplications differentially shape the evolution of Bacillus cereus enterotoxin operons hbl, cytK and nhe. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:246
Fellner L, Simon S, Scherling C, Witting M, Schober S, Polte C, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Keim DA, Scherer S, Neuhaus K (2015) Evidence for the recent origin of a bacterial protein-coding, overlapping orphan gene by evolutionary overprinting. BMC Evolutionary Biology 15:283.
Scherer S (2010) Hat die Biologie das Leben erklärt? In: Thim-Mabrey C, Brack-Bernsen L, Täuber D (Hrsg.) Naturwissenschaftliche Aussagen und sozial verantwortbare Entscheidungen. Noderstedt 2010. Seite 133-183
Scherer S (2009) Makroevolution molekularer Maschinen: Konsequenzen aus den Wissenslücken evolutionsbiologischer Naturforschung. In: Hahn HJ, McClary R, Thim-Mabrey C (Hrsg.) Atheistischer und jüdisch-christlicher Glaube: Wie wird Naturwissenschaft geprägt? Forschungssymposium vom 02.-04.04.2008 an der Universität Regensburg, Noderstedt, Seite 95-149
Fuchs TM, Bresolin G, Marcinowski L, Schachtner J, Scherer S (2008) Insecticidal genes of Yersinia spp.: taxonomical distribution, contribution to toxicity towards Manduca sexta and Galleria mellonella, and evolution. BMC Microbiology 8:214.
Ehling-Schulz M, Svensson B, Guinebretiere MH, Lindback T, Andersson M, Schulz A, Fricker M, Christiansson A, Granum PE, Martlbauer E Nyguyen-The C, Salkinoja-Salonen M and S. Scherer S (2005) Emetic toxin formation of Bacillus cereus is restricted to a single evolutionary lineage of closely related strains. Microbiology 151:183-197
Loewe L, Textor V, Scherer S (2003) High deleterious genomic mutation rate in stationary phase of Escherichia coli. Science 302, 1558-1560.
Scherer S, Lechner S, Böger P (1993) psbD sequences of Bumilleriopsis filiformis (Heterokontophyta, Xanthophyceae) and Porphyridium purpureum (Rhodophyta, Bangiophycidae): evidence for polyphyletic origin of plastids. Current Genetics 24: 437-442.
Scherer S, Herrmann G, Hirschberg J, Böger P (1991) Evidence for multiple xenogenous origins of plastids: Comparison of psbA genes with a xanthophyte sequence. Current Genetics 19: 503-507.
Scherer S (1990) The protein molecular clock: Time for a re-evaluation. Evolutionary Biology 24, 83-106.
Scherer S (1989) The relative rate test of molecular evolution: A note of caution. Molecular Biology and Evolution 6, 436-441.
Scherer S (1983) Basic functional states in the evolution of cyclic photosynthetic electron transport. Journal of Theoretical Biology 104, 289-299.