Organisation chart

Prof. Dr. Dirk Haller, Chair of Nutrition and Immunology at the TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, has been Director of the ZIEL corporate research center since July 1, 2014. Deputy director is Prof. Dr. Corinna Dawid, Chair of Food Chemistry and Molecular Sensory Science, TUM School of Life Sciences.
ZIEL has a flexible and topic-based membership structure. This makes it possible to exploit the center’s integrated specialist expertise to the full and facilitates research on complex and interdisciplinary issues.
The existing organizational structure is complemented by a scientific council (ZIEL Scientific Council). The Scientific Council advises ZIEL on its research orientation through the provision of constructive support and makes recommendations on its strategic development.
The Core Facilities enable the implementation of ZIEL’s research areas. They provide platform technologies for microbiome analysis in the form of next-generation sequencing (Core Facility Microbiome) and gnotobiology (Core Facility Gnotobiology), intervention studies and human phenotyping (Core FacilityHuman Studies).
The ZIEL operates a thematic support program for young scientists that promotes interdisciplinary cooperation between the research groups.
The ZIEL Academy’s mission is to communicate new insights from food and nutrition research practice, both within the university and at national and international levels, through the organization of events.